Mr Toshinori Kajiura
Kajiura joined JCIC as founding member and was elected as Chairperson in 2017. He served as a Senior Researcher of HITACHI and Chair of Working Group on Cyber-Security Enhancement, Committee on Cyber Security of Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) as well as its Acting Chair of Sub-Committee, Committee on Digital Economy. Kajiura joined HITACHI as computer scientist and experienced various fields such as R&D, marketing, business planning etc. related to ICT business to create new technology, new economy and new regulation for ICT utilization.
At Keidanren, he has worked on policy meetings and cooperated with IT strategy of the Japanese government in Koizumi & Aso cabinets. He had responsibility for proposals on internet economy and cybersecurity as a Chair of a working group. He was a regular member of international ICT conferences such as US-Japan Internet Economy Dialogue and EU-Japan ICT Work Shop. Currently, he also serves as a Chairperson of METI's Working Group under the Study Group for Industrial Cybersecurity which focuses on management, personnel and international strategies and as a Chairperson of Steering Committee on Supply Chain Cybersecurity Consortium. Since April 2021, he has also been serving as Research Director at JCIC.